Monday, February 22, 2016

The Best Exercise!

Hi Friends!!

Spring is coming!!!  The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer.  I don't know about you, but I am so ready for this!

Spring is like the New Year to me; new life begins as trees bud and tulips begin to pop out of the thawing ground, winter coats are shed for light sweaters, and more and more people begin to go outside.  The long cold nights of winter are officially behind us and we begin to look forward to the sunny laid back days of summer.

Because of this change in weather, I have begun to notice more joy in my every day life.  I have begun to take extra care to look outside my own life more often and contemplate my lifestyle.  The other day, Andrew and I were talking about this and he came up with a great observation:  We start by taking a good look at our life style. Then, imagine if everyone in the world lived the same lifestyle.  Would society be better?  More efficient?  More environmentally friendly? Etc.  If the answer is yes, we are probably on a good path.  If the answer is no, we think about the ways we could improve our lifestyle so the answer would become a "yes".

This is a very simple exercise that you can do at any time and even with friends or family.  It is actually quite fun if you are in the right mindset as well.  All it takes is an open heart and an open mind.

Now for a little update on TheYogiRD!

Lately, I have been so focused on my full time job, that I have not been taking the time to blog regularly, but I have been working on some really fun projects for TheYogiRD that I will be sharing with you this summer!  If you have not seen already on my Facebook page, I am looking for 10 volunteers to help me test out the beta version of my web-based nutrition program called "Your Life, Your Health".  Basically, for one month you will get personalized nutrition assistance from yours truly.  The difference though, is that because it is web-based, it can be done on your own time, in the comfort of your own home.

If you'd like to volunteer to be part of Your Life Your Health, let me know here!

Question of the day: Do you love spring as well?  If so, what's your favorite part?!

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