When I first started this blog a few years ago, I had no real intention of what I wanted to do with it. There was no structure, I just would post about my daily happenings and sometimes food/recipes. Now, with so many new and exciting things going on in my life now (wedding planning, internship, raw foods, yoga, etc.) I have decided to really dedicate some time into this blog and share my experiences.
At first, I was trying the whole YouTube scene and it was so fun, but it just took up so much of my precious time. I found myself dreading to make another video because of the amount of time it took to edit and upload. Since I love to write/type, I think it is in my best interest right now to focus on this blog as a tool to share my experiences and passions.
I will be sending out a post once a week and it will range from recipes to what I'm working on in my internship, or even some yoga inspiration. I'd love to hear from you as well! It literally makes my day when someone comments!!
So, here's to this journey! Luana ola!