Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Week 2

Today was my first official day of summer classes.   Needless to say, I am very excited and my first class went very well.  I think it will be really nice to refresh my memory on anatomy physiology this summer!

That being said, I will be reducing my posts down to once or twice a week (probably Monday nights and maybe Fridays as those are my two least hectic days).

So let's do a quick recap of my first week during this was tough, but not too tough.  Yes, I had cravings for cooked food and I gave in on a couple occasions, but overall I have been feeling VERY good eating 80-90% raw.  My energy levels are up and most importantly, my mood is so great!  I can also attribute my perkiness to yoga.  I have been practicing daily and teaching a few times a week (see for dates/times/locations).  My practice has begun to deepen and I am feeling more connected and balanced every day.  It is so beautiful and amazing when life blooms and comes together all at once despite what is going on in our physical world.

As far as today's meals goes, they really weren't that impressive...except...dinner!  On a huge whim, I ended up making the most delicious, healthful, beautiful, and colorful salad!  It included yellow squash, carrot, green bell pepper, and red cabbage.  All of it was shredded and peeled thin, then drizzled with mustard and agave for dressing!  I must say, I'm a bit obsessed with this new concoction I found!

Luana ola!

p.s. I started writing this post on my iPad on Monday and due to my busy schedule this week, forgot about it until now!  I will do better in the future, I promise :)

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